June 28, 2007

I am a bigot?

I try not to take a comment and turn it into a post. But this comment on my despised by the left bird feeder post demonstrates something I find amusing.

Prozacula wrote this:

whenever a winger whines about illegal immigrants and handouts, it almost always seems to come out offensively.

I'm sure you didn't mean it, you little racist bigot! But that's the excuse people like you trot out every time!

"Them's just WORDS," you can protest. "I's jus' sayin' WORDS that you is offended by! I kaint halp if yous folks is takin to offense over mah poor lil WORDS!"

Your ever-so-slightly shaded racist comments are offensive to alot of people because that's what they are: offensive.

Let us parse his words a little. Have you ever notice the lefties and "progressives" like to toss around the racist epithet, yet they are the ones who are the bigots? Why is it when a jerk from New England or the left coast wants to portray a person on the right as dumb, stupid, a hayseed, a hick, a bumpkin, and uneducated , we are always given a Southern accent? Do I speak with a Southern accent? Well judging from the name on the blog, one should assume I live in Indiana. For most East Coasters and Lefties Indiana is in 'flyover country". Well, for a quick geography lesson Indiana touches the Great Lakes, it lies North of the Ohio River. In the Civil War we were part of the Union or Northern army. It is not near Alabama, Mississippi, tidewater Virginia or Texas. Those would be Southern States.

Hoosiers speak with a variety of accents and have a distinct vernacular and dialect of their own. Some have the flat nasal vowels you would hear in Chicago or Wisconsin or Minnesota and Michigan. Some have a more twang similar to Kentucky. Some have the general dialect of Western Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio. For the most part, we are like many Americans and speak with the neutral accent of a TV announcer.

There is no way Prozacula could know if I have the accent of the Southern Indiana hill country or the patois of 'da Region". He does not like my views, so I must be stupid, so I must talk like I come from the fields of Tara.

Prozacula, I find your stereotyping insulting, bigoted and waste of my time. It is the progressive/liberal version of "hey meester want to fuck my seester" Tijuana Mexican or Asians waiters asking if we want "flied lice". Before you start painting me with the bigot and racist brush, you should look in the mirror.

Edit: Since once I get pissed, I stay pissed and just for the hell of it (and I hold a grudge), here is our little buddy Prozacula:


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