June 23, 2011

Dear Terrorists

Patience, fellas. One more year and you will be free of that pesky US Military.

There is no need to keep wasting your lives, treasure and precious resources fighting the Great Satan. We will be outta there starting next year. You can remake your Afghanistan and Pakistan homeland back into the training and haven for Islamic Terrorism you have always maintained. Think of our intervention as a brief interlude. Hell, I have just offered you a ready-made recruiting tool. You beat the Soviets. You beat the Americans. God is on your side. Just hold out.

The American troops will be weakened and more open to attack if you can just bide your time. Look, you have been waiting for 1,000 years to bring about your great Caliphate, another year or two will not matter.

It does not matter what the situation is a year from now.  I am more interested in the politics of my actions.  Let's face it.  I know the military is filled with a bunch of worthless hicks, redneck racists and gun-lovers. The quicker we can cut down their numbers the better. I have a Hope and Change agenda and I need that money. This whole thing is Bush's fault anyway.

So take a page from The New Kids on the Block and "Hang Tough".

Your Friend,

B.H. Obama


Jerry in Texas said...


Anonymous said...

Sadly I think your pretty close to the truth in our Dear Leaders thinking.

James Old Guy

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