December 27, 2011

It is not you, it is me

Well, to be honest, it is just that I have some new books to read. I would rather entertain myself than entertain you.  I am selfish that way.

I am going to do my best to remain politics-free around here until after the New Year.  That could be welcome news or not, depending on just what you are looking for at this old blog.  I have no idea.

It is Tuesday and I have no plans, besides some heavy reading and maybe some movie watching.  I might call my buddy, who is also off work all week, and see if he wants to head to the cigar bar this afternoon.  We are supposed to get a little (and I mean LITTLE) snow, so we shall see.

Have a great day.  Check back later.  Who knows, I might find some inspiration that drives me back to the old laptop to create a pithy, well written post. 

Yes, I know, I am laughing too.  My side hurts...

1 comment:

marcus said...

I WILL be at the humidor this afternoon. Oh, yes...I will.

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