February 4, 2012

Swashbuckling Saturday

I have been slogging my way through some classic Robert Louis Stevenson. Like many writers of the nineteenth century he had a way with words. As in a lot of words.  I find myself mumbling at every other page "just get on with it".

Sorta like you are mumbling now.

I am reading Master of Ballantrae. It is my first time attacking this particular work.  I do not mind telling you I picked it for free at the Kindle book store primarily because of the Errol Flynn movie based on the novel. To be candid, the movie is loosely based on the book.  The two share the same title and main characters. There are a couple of scenes from the book to be found in the movie. The plot is vaguely similar at best. Both are set in Scotland. There is the return of Bonnie Prince Charlie and there is a sword fight or two between the sparring brothers. Take it upon yourself to write a screenplay based on those elements and you will be as close to the book as the filmmakers were.

Back to the novel. RLS  knows how to tell a good story. Treasure Island and Kidnapped and such are classics with reason. The human drama, the relationships among a really dysfunctional family are wondrous to see exposed in a delicate fashion fit for Victorian sensibilities (younger brother marries older brother's fiancee when older brother heads off to war). Blackbeard the pirate, Irish soldiers of fortune, the Indian subcontinent, the Return of Bonny Prince Charlie, and Indian Wars in the Americas are all part of the action.

But I have to say, Mr. Stevenson sure uses a lot of words to tell his story.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Paid by the word.

CnC said...

I can relate to using way too many words trying to say something, wonder if I could have made it as a nineteenth century writer ha.
As far a watching a movie that is true to the novel. Orwell's 1984 was made into a movie that was dead on. The one released in 1984, not the 60's version piece of crap.

Anonymous said...

I reread Treasure Island last summer and loved every minute of it - again.

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