September 4, 2012

Now Hope and Change just means more of the same

The Democratic Party Convention kicks off today. Watch for the secret racist code words that will be sprinkled throughout the speechifyin' like "Golf" and "Chicago" and "Welfare".

Last week we heard about stupid shit issues that face our nation like unemployment, debt, gas prices, the housing market, and defense. Now we will discuss stuff that is really important like getting free contraception for 30-year old college students, abortion and more windmills and electric cars.

I will spoil the fun and give you a musical version of The Obama's speech scheduled for Thursday:

Tax the rich, Feed the poor. Spend, spend, spend till daddy takes the credit card away.

1 comment:

TheWayfarer said...

Neither of them mean a freaking word of it.
They will talk whatever bullshit excites their boomer gimme base into voting for them, then climb back in the back pockets of the banKhazars when its all over and keep fucking the sheeple.

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