September 18, 2012

Open Mouth, Insert Foot

Lucky you. I was supposed to be working my way to the west suburbs of the Windy City this rainy, gloomy morning. But the customer had better stuff to do and cancelled our previous arrangement.  Such is life.  Instead of cursing the Tri-State Tollway traffic, you get a dose of my amateurish punditry.

Romney is an idiot. He commented in a recent fundraiser that he does not expect those who live off the sweat of others in this nation will likely not vote for him. He said the 47% who get public dole will not vote for anyone who wants to reduce their largess. People do not like to be exposed to the blatant truth about their lives.

Those of us who live in 'flyover country' who go to church and keep guns in their house did not like it when Obama said we "cling to our guns and religion".  Sorry to break it to you, but those who make up the red state voting block in the hinterlands do cling to their guns and religion.

By the same token, those who take welfare in its various forms are not going to vote for a guy who wants to take some of that away. As a kid which grandma did you like better, the one who gave you gum and pie and candy or the one who wanted you to com over and mow the lawn?

I don't like my shortcomings pointed out to me. You don't either. More people are on food stamps than ever. More Americans are on disability than ever. Almost half of Americans pay NO federal income tax. Those are facts. A majority of those people are not going to vote for Romney. He is being skewered by the left for telling the truth. Those people are not going to vote for Romney. Why are we outraged by the truth?

Romney should just double down. reiterate his comments in a "Father Knows Best" tone. Explain the concept behind his remarks further. Tell the 47%ers that he knows they don't want to hear what he says. Tell them how he is going to help them earn their own way, how he is going to float every ship in the harbor as the tide rises. Explain how the Obama Economy is what is preventing them from living a better life. Explain the unsustainability of the Democrat spend, spend, spend agenda. Most will not listen, a few might.

Romney won't.  His pollsters on staff will do the typical GOP run and hide act.Those in charge of the GOP are a spineless bunch. These comments will become a liability instead.


Anonymous said...

Watching the fun over in the home of the short bus riders.

James Old Guy

Joe said...

I'm staying out of that one

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