September 25, 2012

Urgent Update

So much to say, so little desire to put metaphoric pen to paper. I am cognizant my ramblings are not that coherent or well written, but I spend more time than you imagine composing the stuff that passes for posts around here. I know, it is sad all that work produces such lackluster results. In any case, maybe later. Maybe tomorrow.

Doesn't the title to this post remind you of your local news station?*  It is all panic, all of the time. StormTeam/ScareTeam weather gives breathless updates. My God, it is RAINING!!! We must report on it. There is actual THUNDER!!!! And then there is the Breaking News!!!: A person was just killed on the near North side!! We have a reporter on the scene, let's go to ace reporter David-there-is-no-story-too-small.

David: "We just arrived on the scene.  We have no details as to the victim, and police are not saying how he died.  We don't even know how many people are involved.  We will keep you updated as more details emerge".  David is bummed he does not have a cute prop to make his story more interesting.

In a similar manner, I suggest you check back often to see if I have posted anything new.

* it certainly fits the one I watch in Indy.


Dan O. said...

That wouldn't be the Indy CBS affiliate by any chance would it?

All the stations in Cleveland do it too, but WOIO CBS19 seems to be the most panicked weather and "Breaking News" alarmists.

Rita said...

If DISH doesn't negotiate with Channel 13 soon I am going to throw a fit. We have one over the air TV in the house but I have to go to the sunroom to watch my morning news. I already squeezed them for three months of STARZ which has the only drama worth watching right now. Time for me to get the bill reduced.

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