September 24, 2012

Sculpting Dog Poo into a Political Work of Art

I will be so glad when this election is over. I am serious, does a politician lose all sense of self-respect when he runs for office? How can anyone honestly argue with a straight face that Romney is a liar and "cheat" when he over-payed his taxes? We can argue if the tax rate is fair and equitable going forward, but how can we castigate someone who followed the law as written today? No matter your political beliefs, we should celebrate anyone who gives a third of their income to charity.

"Gotcha" stories of political statements someone made 20 years in the past are just as stupid. As much as I made fun of Obama for his "evolving" political beliefs, we all think about issues differently as times change.  When I was 40 I laughed at the juvenile and naive political beliefs of 20 year-old me.  When I am 60 I will have different political priorities than I did at 40.

Thank goodness I do not live in a swing state where I would be subjected the political ads 24/7. The local and state-wide ads are tiresome enough.

BTW, how do you feel about the State Department using your tax dollars to buy ads in Pakistan denouncing the idiotic Mohammad movie trailer? The United States should never apologize for guaranteeing the inalienable right of free speech. That act alone should make you think twice about returning anyone in this administration to public office. Loss of the First Amendment will affect those who often vote Democrat -- actors, writers, NOW, LGBT advocates, and artists all would suffer first and most grievously under Sharia Law. Our freedoms are held most dear to all Americans, and we should protest loudly and aggressively when any President and Secretary of State offer anything less than unequivocal support for our Constitution. This issue is not about politics, it is about freedom.


Mockingbird said...

Well put, Hoosier.
They are supposed to work for us.

Ed Bonderenka said...

The rioting muslims could care less about our first amendment.
They want to know why the weak ineffective leader of America hasn't beheaded the perpetrator.
And why an uncovered woman occupied the platform with him.

Rita said...

Too many people believe speech they disagree with should be punished. They cannot see the logical conclusion of determining what is hate speech and what isn't. Ironically they can only imagine the speech they deemed to be hate is hate speech.

They would screech at conservatives about being tolerant while never understanding we are the ones trying to defend this country from people trying to suppress and punish their freedoms. They defend Islam and condemn Christians never stopping to realize Islamic extremists are the ones calling for stoning of women and gays.

They are inflicted with a blindness that goes far beyond vision.

Cappy said...

America under Obama: Like Youngstown, but still with a standing army.

Anonymous said...

Were the liberals screeching about the burning of American flags in America a few years back?

Anonymous said...

I can only speak for me. Flag burning is reprehensible, but free speech


Dan O. said...

@Cappy. Being from Ohio, I may be the only one who gets your reference but, spot-on!

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