January 28, 2014

Iceberg right ahead -- it is time to panic people!

I get it, the outside temps are cold. Heck, the tidy bowl man is ice fishing in my crapper. But it has been this cold before. It will be again.  We are not in the midst of some unheard of deep freeze, with the ice creeping down from the North. It was, in fact, colder just a few weeks ago. My neighbors have left for work without incident. I will be heading out in a bit. But the City of Indianapolis closed today. The precious Government workers will sit home and watch Drew Carey on the Price is Right and munch Cheetos purchased with tax money taken from you and your neighbors. This is not a situation where ice or snow have clogged the roads, it is a result of cold temperatures, and it is a crock of steaming shit. The mayor announced the closing yesterday, before the weather event arrived. I blame the scare tactics of the TV weather people. No longer can they merely report the news, every story must be Dire! and filled with Danger!. Hell, sub-zero temperatures in January cannot even be described as "unseasonable". Closing city offices based on prediction and forecast is a fool's errand. Just this past weekend the weather hacks predicted 5-7 inches of snow when in reality we got about 1/16th of an inch -- total. It is colder than usual, but not to the extreme that the city must be shut down. Indianapolis Mayor Ballard was a Marine.  Now he is a damn Chicken Little. What a joke.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

South Carolina is closing, Ice storm and snow, horrible, horrible numbers. Might get 0.3 of ice and OMG, 3 inches of snow!!!!

Remember me fondly.

James Old Guy

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