June 16, 2014


Does anyone really believe the IRS lost two years worth of emails? Are we truly to believe the Government does not keep emails on backup servers? Most businesses keep emails and other records for at least 4-6 years. The IRS demands companies keep tax records for 6 years. They expect individuals to keep their records for 7 years. But somehow, the ethernet has swallowed Lois Lerners IRS emails just when she is under subpoena.

Funny, when my hard drive crashed a couple of years ago the IT Department (one guy) at the small company that employs me was able to replace the hard drive and return my computer even with the personal files and pictures that were stored on the laptop. Every single email was right back in the inbox or file just as it was before the hard drive crashed.

More from people who know what they are talking about:



Anonymous said...

all gov emails dealing with contractors are kept for the term of the contract plus 10 years. They must be archieved and kept off the installation. I smell bullshit from Obamliar and friends


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I know emails systems, and I don't believe it for a microsecond. As soon as I read that, I called bullshit.

Walker said...

I believe the emails are gone.

Walker said...

But not lost.

Joe said...

hola Walker. It has been a long time.

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