July 20, 2015


Summer finally made a brief appearance Saturday along with his companions heat and humidity. We climbed into the car to head to a picnic/ family reunion.  Now this is not a reunion in the sense you picture. The family is so small we can meet in my mom's living room. Thee were 11 people there and an additional ten or so would encompass every living member of my mother's family counting first and second cousins. all three of my kids made it, along with my granddaughter. My SIL had a company function to attend. The youngest spent the weekend at home. On Sunday I watched the granddaughter for a few hours.

A good weekend for me, a boring post for you

1 comment:

Ed Bonderenka said...

I am not bored.
I am jealous.
Wish I had that many family members that will talk to each other.

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