February 20, 2016

I see the cold mist in the night

It looks to be a great day in Hoosierland. Temperatures may well climb into the 60s. I don't know that we have any plans for the weekend. The wife said something about cleaning the house but I ignored whatever mumbling she said about that. She said "we need to clean" and I heard "blah, blah, blah".

The wind finally died down. It was a real gale yesterday. My grill cover did not make it. A small tear developed last fall and yesterday the wind ripped it to shreds. It is drooping around the legs of the grill like your undies bunch around your ankles when you are sitting on the crapper.

Pitchers and catchers have reported and everyone else arrives this weekend for spring training. I'm as giddy as a school girl. I just hope the young Cubs don't wilt under the weight of expectations. A century of failure and disappointment is a heavy load.

It is Saturday and I'm sure you have better things to do than read my rambles.

Oh, and a note to the people down the street: it is time to unplug your fucking Christmas lights.


Ed Bonderenka said...

Warm weather, sunlight?

Anonymous said...

Primary day here in SC, I will be so happy when these asshats leave. But the Democraps have next weekend. Think I will set on the deck and drink beer and think about voting.


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