December 13, 2017

Out of excuses

Now what is Al “I will resign maybe, someday” Franken going to do? He was counting on Roy Moore to provide cover so he could stay in office. His “I’m not as bad as that guy” position is now moot. I have this image of Franken staring at a mirror last night mumbling “I’m valuable, people love me, I’m funny” repeatedly.

In all honesty, I am sure Franken is not even close to being the biggest turd in Congress. In fact, his antics are probably pretty mild in comparison. Grabbing a woman’s tush while taking a picture is juvenile, crude and certainly slap-worthy. I’d bet if one of those women had slapped him or their man punched him in the nose, Al “Fast hands” Franken would have stopped. I’m sure he thought he was being funny. That in no way excuses or condones his gropes, gooses, and grabs. Even an eight year-old knows better.

The whole situation brings to mind a sentiment I have long held regarding the political class; namely, is this really the best we can do?  My disgust with everything Washington and both political parties increases every day.


Anonymous said...

The pattern has been set for the democrats, they will use the sexual harrasement over and over and of course they will all be at least 10 years old. It is a can't lose situation for them, all the male can do is deny, any attempt to discredit the accusers will be useless and they know it. I am hoping the american people wake up to this tactic, but I doubt it. Will this backfire? If you are thinking about going into the cesspool of politics, the only way you can deal with women is a barrier, keep them away, don't let them in your inner circle. Women may celebrate but they have just created another barrier. I have no idea about the Alabama fiasco, but it is not dead, follow the money.
" Don't flirt, Don't be alone with a woman, Record everything"

James Old Guy.

Joe said...

The Pence rule is to live by

Don’t think this witch hunt won’t hurt women in the workplace. When will a real or imagined slight co e back to haunt you if you promote a man?

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