December 20, 2019

Head scratching and light saber waving

Let me get this straight. Trump was such a bad boy, punishment could not wait for the process to play out:witnesses compelled to testify, all of the evidence gathered. The Fate of The Nation demanded immediate impeachment.

Now the partisan Dems don’t want a trial in the Senate because they cannot call the witnesses there wasn’t time for. And they are afraid the process will be tainted by partisan politics. It will. How many Democrat Presidential contenders will gain a political advantage if their sure opponent is disqualified?

I confess I am not smart enough to see the end game here.

Impeachment is like the movie Cats. Our betters think it is a good thing. The rest of us don’t give a damn. Both will be a flop.

Speaking of movies, I watched the new Star Wars flick last night. I rate it as satisfactory. Not great, better than the previous two installments of the triple trilogy. The entire Skywalker saga of the last forty plus years is completed with almost every loose end neatly tied into a bow, even though the effort was achieved through massive plot holes and stretches of the already thin “Force” ideology. But I was entertained. Isn’t that the real point of a movie?

1 comment:

Cappy said...

First there is a mountain
Then there is no mountain
Then there is
First there is a mountain
Then there is no mountain
Then there is

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