February 17, 2020

I pick myself up and get back in the race

Here we are ready to meet the day; Presidents Day in fact. No mail. I suspect the banks are closed, along with most government offices. No school, so the girls are home with their mommy today: no grandgirls to brighten up the house.

I got the garbage disposal installed with minimal effort and without a single utterance of a swear word. The only issue came when it was time to mount the beast. I didn’t have the strength to compress the rubber seal with one hand and turn the locking ring. I had to ask my son-in-law to stop by and help. Once he arrived it took less than five minutes to finish. When did I become so weak? In  any case there are no leaks so far. The only connection yet to be tested is the one from the dishwasher. Note: I did remember to knock out the dishwasher drain plug.

Boy don’t you feel better reading about that big adventure? Sheesh. I used to write about my travels. Now I bore you to tears with everyday home chores. This blog will hit its fifteen year anniversary in a couple of weeks. That is like 105 in dog years. It jumped the proverbial shark a decade ago. Entertaining content is wheezing along on life support.

We both — the blog and me — take encouragement from this sentiment.

Go forth and have a great Monday.

1 comment:

Practical Parsimony said...

It is not boring. It is your life.

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