March 22, 2020

6,673 times

I go from irritated at being stuck in the house to “getting it”. As a free American I chafe at the growing government heavy-handedness in these infectious times. I growl internally when my daughter insists she will get groceries and such for us. I shake my head as she leaves them on the porch. Then I mitigate my attitude with an understanding that I am almost 60, diabetic, and have had pneumonia 3 times in the last decade. She is looking out for me.

Boy, do I hate, hate, hate, hate being told what to do. My friends as far back as high school knew the one sure way to get me to do something was to tell me “I forbid you to”. Example:

Hey Joe want a beer? 
Nah, I better not.
I forbid you to have one
Gimme that sumbitch

I forbid you to throw this dead squirrel into that open window on that cop car.
Gimme that sumbitch

Like that. So my first instinct when I’m told “no” is to do it anyway. I’m not alone. I have found in my world travels this attitude is a core American trait.

So I’ll social distance. I won’t like it. It is also quite likely I will go to Walmart this afternoon because I can. I’m torn. I’m not seventeen anymore. In the end I’ll do the right thing.


Now for the reason you really stopped by:

Lights of Cholula and Mt Popo at sunset December 2018
That is the active volcano Popocatepetl (17,802ft) on the left, taken during a business trip.

The old blog turned 15 today. Time to get that long-anticipated learners permit.

Have a great Sunday


Practical Parsimony said...

My friend who is 88 said her kids keep telling her to stay in, don't go here and there. She said she is not used to people telling her what to do and she does not like it.

What kills me is people who won't go into their back yard out of fear of contracting covid19. The multiple mothers who have not been out are washing doorknobs all day long to prevent covid19 from being spread around the family.

I am going out and will wear a mask, gloves, and take Lysol wipes which I will use.

Jean said...

Kinda like a puppy on a leash. Or maybe a kitten.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Happy 15th...and I’d be stuck, too, but I’ve got a 92-yo mother to worry about, and no kids in the area.

So it goes.

Ralphd00d said...

Happy 15th! And I am with you... hate being TOLD to stay home. Though, I have no real reason to go shopping or anything. Except tomorrow.. I will need to get cigarettes... and maybe some beer.

Cappy said...

Conga ratulations on the big 15!

Hey, volcanoes, that gives me an idea...

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