September 22, 2020

OK Anonymous, this is only a joke. No wives or husbands were actually hurt, offended, or left homeless

 My wife told me to go to the doctors and get some of those tablets that “help” you get an erection.

You should of seen her face when I came back and tossed her some diet pills.

I’m still looking for a place to live.


Practical Parsimony said...

Okay, that is funny but sexist.

Practical Parsimony said...

But, serves the guy right. Watch out because she cooks and serves your food.

Cheryl said...

I thought it was cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the guy didn't have a kangaroo pouch and three chins but the wife has to be model beautiful. Of course he could be like our orange leader and be on number three with about 200 on the side while supporting a comb over, girdle and lifts. Of course my response would have been that he wouldn't have to look for a place to live because he wouldn't be living. And of course that's a typical male response that there is not a problem with them having a limp one it has to be someone else's fault.

squeeky's mom said...

Anonymous, do you ever see anything without your lens of hatred? It's a joke.

Anonymous said...

In humor and comics they are used to convey messages. It's the old wink wink nudge nudge. In olden days to say bits of truth without actually saying them they were disguised in bards etc... you might check yourself if you don't get the hidden messages the joke implies. I have a great sense of humor just not for thinly veiled sexist jokes. Somehow they have lost their appeal when we are fighting so hard to be paid and have access to higher level jobs equally and the astounding amount of sexual and domestic violence.

Joe said...

Replace wife with husband then it is an LGBTQRSTUV joke. Does it become funny then?

Anonymous said...

No. It's tacky and disrespecful. Same rules.

squeeky's mom said...

Annon, I have a high school education but read, studied and learned every facet of every job I had and then I learned everyone's job so I had the knowledge as I believe knowledge is power and after raising 2 children, one having a Master's and one with a PHD, I rose in my profession to become a Vice President. We had over 30 offices from coast to coast. So I don't really understand anyone using Oh, I'm a women they won't let me rise to my ability, oh, there is a glass ceiling. Horse hockey, if you can't rise it's usually your fault.

Anonymous said...

Good for you squeaky mom. Glad you didn't hit road blocks. Your story is not the norm and I don't believe anyone believes it is. Your disrespect for other woman's struggles are disheartening. Empathy is not one of your strong suites I'm guessing. Mentoring young woman might give you a more rounded perspective. I'm supposing you also think there is no racial discrimination either. Knowledge is power but sometimes in life the smartest don't win. I also didn't say woman can't succeed but usually we have to do several times more than our male counterparts. And sometimes that is not enough. Your response of if you don't succeed it's because you're a stupid loser is shortsighted, cruel, and unsympathetic. Trying lifting your sisters instead of kicking them while they are down.

Joe said...

I don’t know. One of the smartest persons I know and one of the best bosses I had was a woman. There was on occasion some bias due to her being a woman. Not in the US, but in Europe, where she would say something and the customer or colleague would look at me for confirmation. It bothered me. For her it was more important to push the program. That’s why she is a VP in one of the world’s largest (global) companies today. Like Squeaky’s Mom, she just rose above it through hard work and continued success.

We have to get beyond the victimhood mentality of today. We are guaranteed equal opportunity, not equal success and every little thing we don like or agree with is not oppression.

There does not exist a right to not be offended.

In fact the First Amendment exists to protect the most offensive among us.

I see lots in this world that offends me. I comment upon it here, but reserve the right for others to be...wrong. I would never deny their right to express their dumbassery.

If a show, or song, or book, or blog offends me, I move on.

squeeky's mom said...

Annon, I didn't hit roadblocks!!! You have got to be kidding me just writing that. Of course I hit every roadblock available. I learned their job and more so I just went around them, over them or just shouldered my way past them. I proved them wrong in front of their bosses, as nicely as possible, cant' be just a b*tch. I mentor woman wanting to learn. Don't ride on my coattails because I expect you to do your job and learn. Had one who went to my boss crying because I wasn't always available to answer questions. But I had my 12 women in my dept. who also had question. She left not long afterwards and 6 months later called and apologized for thinking it would be so easy. Wanted to come back. Nope, she had her chance.

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