May 24, 2021

Nowhere Special. I always wanted to go there.

The title of the post comes from the ending of one of the funniest movies ever, and one that would never be made today. 

It also has nothing to do with today’s post.

I have a question for all of you supporters of the “poor oppressed Palestinians” out there. Had the terrorists in Gaza not sent thousands of rockets into Israel, would there have been bombings or attacks from the IDF? I’ll make this easy question even easier, feel free to use Wikipedia if you like, name one time when Israel started hostilities or invaded territory without provocation, Sadam Hussein style. 

I read an editorial in USAToday yesterday from a student living in Gaza, lamenting for paragraphs about her fear Israelis would bomb her apartment and kill her. I know, get Hamas to stop launching rocket attacks from civilian apartments, schools and hospitals. How about taking to the streets to stop your own government’s war? If Hamas didn’t attack, Israel wouldn’t respond. Duh.

Why the Jews in this country continue to vote overwhelmingly Democrat remains one of life’s great political mysteries. 


Anonymous said...

Do you know why Hamas launched rockets? Could it be because Jewish settlers throw them out of their homes, steal and build settlements on their land, cut off access for trade to become financially secure, restrict growth etc... the new borders they were going to do gave is Real all prime land and left arid land for Palestine. When people are backed into a corner, stolen from, and stripped of ability to make a livelihood they don't exactly send hugs and kisses. I like how all you talk about rebelling here in the United States if someone even thinks about restricting some right but when a group of people do just that it's why don't they behave.... hypocrite be they name

Anonymous said...

And yes I personally know people that did that too. They there them out of their store building which was their home with the clothes on their back and moved in and took everything and was protected by military and police to do so. What would you do if a majority group came to your house and threw u out and the military and police let them. And I'm not talking about immanent domain which compensates you. I'm talking pure stealing by force. Think you would send them Christmas cards? The hate that comes from that doesn't go away and gets spread among the people. When will they be next? You want peace. Protect individual rights regardless of religion. You want a piece of property or a house. Buy it don't steal it.

Practical Parsimony said...

I am confused about all this, but read your post and two above comments. He said you are right and explained it to me.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous - Palestinians that were removed from their home/business (yes, you have that correct) But the people moved out were RENTERS who had refused to pay any rent for years. If you owned property where people were essentially squatting and would not moved or pay their rent voluntarily what would you do? Let them stay? They had notices by the courts galore that they would be moved if they didn't comply. They didn't so they were removed. It's always better to know Both sides prior to making judgements. I own rentals and had one lady who managed to hold on for 3 months after court said she had 7 days to vacate and then it took 6 policemen to get her out. Her retaliation was to break/crack every window in the house and hide rotten food everywhere. Cost me close to 5k to rehab to be able to rent it again.

Anonymous said...

The latest people I do not know about but the people I know owned the place and so we're the land the settlements are being built on. Knowing personally what I know about the land and house grabs I don't know if I would trust them if they did say these last ones were rentals. If you look at the history of the area starting from u.s. involvement in creation of Israel and actions since it's not good. Reminds me of history here for Indians. Which is still bad. Shoved them in areas they thought were worthless until they find minerals and then let the Indian affairs division "manage" their assets.

Joe said...

Historical fact, no so-called Palestinians were forced to leave Israel in 1947. They chose to and were refused entry by Jordan, Egypt, and the Saudis.

Second, sending a thousand rockets to attack innocent civilians is in no way equivalent to refusing to send a Christmas card. That you think terrorism is morally acceptable at all is more than disturbing. Do you also agree that the terrorists had justification for flying planes into the WTC since we had bases in Saudi Arabia?

I have no issue with anyone who differs with me politically. But supporting cowards and terrorists whose stated goal is the destruction of Israel and the Jewish religion is sickening.

Joe said...

And yes, this current situation is just as described above, squatters refused to pay rent, they rioted when landlords tried to evict them and Hamas launched rockets.

That is Leo different than if I was evicted for not paying my mortgage so I destroy the local Burger King, a neighborhood down the street, a car lot, and some business and schools the next county over.

Yes, males perfect sense.

Joe said...

“That Leo” should be “that is no”

Anonymous said...

You believe their version. I suppose you believe the non Indian version as well. I guess the terrorist that dumped tea and killed british soldiers are bad also. Perspective is a funny thing. What shall I tell the people I personally know that were kicked from their homes and businesses. They are lying. Also this latest incident also excuses all the settlements israel does too right. Sometimes what is said to kick off a incident is only the tip of the iceburg. Sometimes the straw that breaks the camels back is not logical or right but just one of the final kick offs to the volcano that has built.
I suppose you think jan 6 is okay too. Just another tourist day in the capitol. Better look deeper and who is presenting the facts. Or like the indians say maybe you like speaking with forked tongue.

Joe said...

Terrorists are scum. Attacking innocent people is wrong. Supporting those who share the Nazi dream of eliminating the Jew makes you an evil person too.

It makes no difference who is right or wrong or who started it, sending blind unguided missles by the thousands into Israel is terrorism. Make all the excuses you want, but you cannot defend the indefensible.

Anonymous said...

12 jewish dead
200 palaestine dead
who is killing who?
Since it doesn't matter who started it or who is right
Oh and glad to know you don't believe in property rights or rights to pursuit of a livelihood
Or really give a flying fuck about oppressed people
Israel can be the bully knocking kids books out of their arms and take their lunch money but if they fight back then they are the bad ones. Oh and im sure with your knowledge of war that you know innocents tend to get killed. History kind of shows that. Do I support that hell no. Do I know what reality is.... yes. How many innocent lives are lost here. I don't see you trying to make a change for that. Where is your outrage for that. You can spew your hate at palastine but you can't even protest your own country loss of innocent lives. Physician heal thy self.

Joe said...

To use your analogy, A bully knocks the books out of kids hands so Hamas attacks everyone one in the hallway.

Anyone who supports terrorists is a terrorist themselves.


Hamas stated goal is to destroy Israel and push Jews into the sea.

That is anti-Semitic to the core.

Anonymous said...

And their is no genocide of Palestine by Israel right. I'll be sure and tell my Palestine people that lost their home and business that and tell them you said they are terrorist and anti Semitic and deserved to be kicked to the street and lose everything.

Joe said...


No point in discussing anything if you don’t tead

Joe said...

Anecdotes ain’t data

Anonymous said...

oh yeah and don't worry about that curse of the fleas of a thousand camels. If you start feeling itchy, I am sure its just dry skin.

James Old Guy said...

Don’t argue with scum.
James old Guy

James Old Guy said...

Don’t argue with scum.
James old Guy

James Old Guy said...

Don’t argue with scum.
James old Guy

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Shoot first, get the shit stomped out of you.

That's what the Paleostinians never learn. Apparently Annoyingmouse doesn't understand that, either.

If Israel ever got really angry about the Hamas morons, they'd simply nuke Gaza out of existence. In my own opinion, Israel should nuke Gaza so hard, a new Gaza-shaped bay on the Mediterranean would appear, on the shores of which Israeli hoteliers could build tourist resorts. But the surgical strike just carried out by the IDF that took out a lot of Hamas military leaders is also perfectly fine with me.

Joe is 100% correct BTW -- the grandparents and great-grandparents of what we now know as "Palestinians" (because there was no such nation or even tribe before 1948, meaning yakyak about "genocide" against the "Palestinians" is bullshit) were begged by the new Israeli government to stay, but they listened to their leaders who lied and said the Jews would kill them all, and ran for Gaza and the West Bank -- where they have been treated as pariahs ever since, and used only as a stick to beat the Israelis with. Contrariwise, the Arabs who stayed have generally done pretty well for themselves. Not all of them, of course, but that's how life goes. Could be worse -- they could be living in Gaza.

By the way, Annoyingmouse, you may have noticed that even a lot of the Arab nations that signed on to the Abraham Accords have signaled their growing lack of patience with the Gazans and Hamas. That's at least partly because Hamas == Iran, and the Arab nations have pretty much decided they've had it up to here with Iran.

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