August 15, 2021

What a waste

 In the coming days we will be flying the last of the Americans from Afghanistan, reminiscent Saigon circa 1975 style.  The Taliban will again be in charge. 

What did we get for our twenty year mission? How many lives were lost and destroyed? How much treasure did we take from the wallets of taxpayers, current and future? What did we accomplish? Much like our nearly two decade involvement in SE Asia, it seems all for naught. 

I suppose we can take solace in the idea that unlike the British we didn’t spend a century plus trying to tame that region. 



Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I wish the Chinese joy of it.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Biden will soon give them most favored nation status.

Anonymous said...

Can I sue my government for making me sick every single day since January (well, November - that's when they committed their first lie/cheat/steal - and that one was a DOOZIE!)?


Melissa said...

Have you noticed how all of Big Man's supporters are not saying a word??? I hope they lose sleep over the blood on his hinds....

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