October 4, 2021




The Hotel Carlton in Cannes is the Grande Dame of the Rivera. It has hosted the rich and famous for more than a century in luxuriousness. Made famous as the hotel in The Hitchcock film It Takes a Theif starring Cary Grant and the indomitable Grace Kelly, the hotel is now part of the InterContenental chain. 

Completed in 1913 the hotel was the place to stay for the Royal and rich of Europe from the time it was opened. The famous domes on The beach side were said to be modeled after the breasts of the famous pre-Great War courtesan Carloline Otero who made the Rivera her home base. 

La Belle Otero is said to have seduced Kings and Dukes and the most powerful men in Europe. Men fought duels over her favors and it is said six men committed suicide after their affairs ended. 


You judge. I report.

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