December 7, 2021

A date that shall live in infamy



Cindy: Long Time Blogger said...

Thanks for posting FDRs speech.
I just saw the 2019 movie: Midway today. All about the bombing of Pearl Harbor and how the Americans fought back and won in Midway. As I was watching the movie I wondered if our youth, our soldiers today would have as much courage as those back in 1941? Sadly, I thought not.
Also, at the end of the movie, the staff had the gall to post a 'Thank You' to the Japanese army as well as the American Army. WTF? Thanks those who tried to destroy and kill every one last of you?
Anyway, other than that, the movie was a true story and explained easily.

Joe said...

I like the old “Midway” movie from the 1970s better

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