July 17, 2022

almost deadly

My buddy has been experimenting. He owns an evil black rifle. You know, the one killing everyone, an AR-15. 

He has it out in plain sight in his home office. He put several thousand rounds of ammo nearby. Can you believe a gun that deadly has yet to shoot him? There has not even been an assault, a bludgeoning, or even harsh words from the weapon of mass destruction. My friend even tried to antagonize the rifle, calling it names and cursing at it. There was no response at all. Not even when his wife comes in the room. My friend went so far as to slap the gun on the butt. That has to be some kind of workplace harassment, yet the AR-15 did not respond. It just sits there like an inanimate object with no will of its own. 

I told my friend to try calling the rifle by the wrong pronoun. I am not sure he is willing to go that far in provoking something so prone to violence. 


Ed Bonderenka said...

Your friend got one of the better tempered ones. :)

Ed Bonderenka said...

Mine have never spontaneously expended ammo either.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I have an AR-10. Same thing. Don't understand it.

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