August 30, 2022

mind numbing boredom

A light rain fell as we ate our supper of biscuits and sausage gravy. After I cleaned the dishes I dragged the garbage bin to the curb. Heavy clouds darkened the northern sky. Thunder rumbled as I plopped on the couch to surf the channels. I have two hundred and fifty channels and there was nothing on. Later in the evening a heavy rain overflowed the gutters on the back of the house. The gutter is too small for that much steep roof. All it takes is money to fix the problem. Around nine my phone started its nightly routine — binging alerts of incoming work emails. The Chinese work day was in full swing for customers and manufacturing. The soft ping would continue intermittently all night long. A quick glance at the screen let me know if the email could wait until morning or needed a response now. I chose to answer one from Very Big Customer. No big deal, two minutes of time from a show I wasn’t really watching anyway. My Kindle was on the couch beside me, but I never turned it on. Rain fell. Time moved. The TV flickered it’s color images of flat people doing stuff. The wife sat next to me after hanging up laundry. A bowl of fresh popped popcorn appeared. I ate a little, not really hungry. I mumbled answers to trivia questions from the worst game show on TV. My phone dinged. Rain fell. I shuffled to the kitchen and poured out pills from various bottles and swallowed them in one handful. I turned off the late local news. I climbed the stairs. Thunder boomed. Rain still fell. I rolled into bed. My phoned dinged. The wife shut off the light. Another day done.

1 comment:

Practical Parsimony said...

You must have been watching The Chase!

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