The next day the State asked all residents to save power by setting thermostats to 78F and to avoid charging electric cars between 4-9pm because demand could cause a strain on the grid and possible brown outs and rotating power outages.
Words fail me.
Can no one see that our grid isn’t set up for electric vehicles - I just don’t get it.
Old NFO has a timely blog post on this very subject.
See? More name calling. Why not point out the stupidity of the law and shortsightedness of the concept instead of calling the people stupid? But, this gives the liberals a chance to call conservatives stupid about things like the repercussions of abortion laws. But, we won't.
By the way, I do agree that this electric car push is not well thought out. The concept is good but not the execution.
California — proving that often doing something is far worse than doing nothing
In this case I stand by my title. It is liberals pushing this and it is stupid
If the laws are thought up and implemented by people and then the law is found out to be stupid, why wouldn't the people who originally thought up and passed the law be called stupid also? If A = B and B = C, doesn't A = C?
Progressive Liberals people are stupid. You will find that out day after day after day.
Fossil Fuels can NEVER be replaced by green energy.
Guess y'all will find that out come this winter.
Oh well.
They are not stupid.
They are evil.
They are fascists.
There's a great opportunity for horse and buggy dealers soon in CA.
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