January 8, 2023

can’t be bothered

Good morning. We find ourselves on a gloomy Sunday. I wish I could report a fun and active weekend so far, but that would be a lie. I accomplished absolutely nothing yesterday. It was the very definition of a lazy day. I sat on the couch, a veritable couch potato all day, occasionally dozing and flipping channels. I also read a bit. I was too lazy to wander upstairs to grab the iPad to post random nothings to waste precious seconds of your day. I thought briefly about going for a walk, but discarded that notion quickly. Lazy. I did sit n he opposite side of the couch for a while. 

I wish I could tell you I have big plans for an active and productive Sunday to make up for my wasted Saturday. Nope. I will throw a chuck roast in the Crock pot later, so theoretically I can claim I will spend the afternoon cooking. I will watch some football. I might think about fooling around with the wife, but certainly my thinking about it will be as far as that notion goes. 

I have serious nothing to accomplish today and I can’t let this blog stand in the way any longer this morning. 

Enjoy your Sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least it’s not snowing. - James Old Guy

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