April 23, 2023

If wishes were horses we would all ride

Reports indicate the EPA is set to release new emission standards for electric power plants that will make it virtually impossible to use fossil fuels to generate electricity by 2035. Plants will have to use “renewables” or burn hydrogen to comply. Get ready for electricity costs to skyrocket.

I should not have to point out an immutable law of economies. The higher the demand, the higher the cost.

2035 is also when the new EPA rules will also make it nearly impossible for automakers to produce and sell an internal combustion engine vehicle. We will be forced into inefficient electric cars. That means more demand at the time when electricity will be very expensive. 

I hope the heck it doesn’t get cloudy or the air is still (or too windy) in 2035. We will have to choose between electricity for our everyday life and for a vehicle, providing we can afford either. 

My goodness a lot of Americans are stupid. How could you vote for this future? 

*do you understand that windmills and solar panels have a limited lifespan? Do you understand that China controls the essential minerals for batteries? 


Cappy said...

BLM lawn sign sister had me over for dinner. One of her long time friends and her family were there, with the requisite transitioning son and accompanying weirdo. The friend and husband comfortably retired from a career at EPA.

I looked up one of this gal's papers: Command and Control as a better strategy than free enterprise. This was written in 2003.

We are fucked.

glasslass said...

Our government need an overhaul of time limits on office. Maybe 4 years for representatives with 3 terms max time in office. Senators 6 years and 2 times in office and presidents get 8 years one time. Campaigning for Representatives is limited to 6 months and Senators the Same. Presidents won't have to spend any time campaigning. At the rate we are going I think the slide may be too steep now for us to stop.
A group of little old lady's sitting around the bridge table hammered these years out and presented pro's and con's of each and it's met with all 12 of our approval. Oh, there were actually 2 men in our group both veterans so it 10 little old ladies.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Read H. Beam Piper's Lone Star Planet AKA A Planet For Texans for one way to have clean government without term limits.

Meanwhile, I'll be lucky to still be alive in 2035, or much past it, so I wish all y'all luck.

Anonymous said...

It is more the entrenched bureaucracy that is killing the country

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