April 13, 2023

Just Charge It!

Biden and his gang have decreed that we need stricter environmental standards, so within a decade it  will virtually impossible to buy a car that isn’t electric. There you go, environment saved, climate change licked, sea levels lowered, life is good. 

Now how are we going to charge all of those cars? Where are we going to get the dramatic increases in electricity? Where are we going to get the lithium for all of those batteries? Where are we going to get the evil oil to make the plastic that electric vehicles take to make them light enough? 

How are we supposed to go anywhere when batteries last a few hundred miles at best under real-life conditions? 

Maybe we need real details instead of feel good policies. Good intentions are no way to run a country.

I welcome rebuttal in the comments.


Practical Parsimony said...

Biden did not think up the electric car, nor did he call for this conversion. However, the people who are the masterminds did not think this through. This dilemma is a source of great amusement for me. Why and How?

Anonymous said...

Biden will be gone along with his libbie gangsters!!!! JOG

Ed Bonderenka said...

Practical Parsimony, Biden is promoting them and rules that will forbid IC engines.

Dan said...

All Pedo Joe is interested in is a fresh pair of Depends, a pudding pop and an 8 year to molest. The criminals behind this mandate know EXACTLY what they are doing. The goal is the complete death of ICE technology and the oil/gas/diesel industry. EVs can NEVER replace the existing transportation structure. It's not intended to. It's the excuse to destroy our transportation system and make ALL of us totally dependent on Public Transportation....which the criminals in power will control 100%. We The People aren't much of a threat to their hold on power if we aren't allowed to travel more than 15 miles from home.

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