May 10, 2023

bipity bopity boo

How Cubs-like to lose two in a row to the bleeping Cardinals. The Cards had only won eleven games until they played the Cubbies. Chicago now represents 15% of St Louis’ wins. Sheesh. See that Mr. Moyer, my old math teacher, I did actual arithmetic. 

Is it just me, or is more and more prevalent that people smell like walking bongs in public these days? Last I checked smoking marijuana was still illegal in Indiana. I am not making judgment here. I have long thought pot should be decriminalized and taxed like alcohol. I do not partake personally. I think I’m allergic. I even break out in hives around real hemp rope. I do think those who drive high should be punished as aggressively as the authorities go after drunk drivers. 

I spoke with an old customer yesterday. It was great to reconnect with someone from my very early days in sales. This guy was never a large customer, but I always liked him. 

That is enough rambling for a Wednesday. Have a good one.


glasslass said...

If Mom and Dad were still alive they would have been gloating over a 15% win factor as they were fanatic Cardinal fans. And I'm sure Mr. Moyer knew you could do it with enough motivation. Have a great day.

Ralphd00d said...

I agree that it seems everyone smells of pot. AZ legalized it as well, but the term to use recreationally in one's domicile somehow got interpreted as in public smoking areas, grocery parking lots, and outside the Circle K/7-11s.... sigh.

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