May 22, 2023

Head Scratchin’ Here, Boss

Let me see if I have this straight. New York State has decreed that you cannot have a gas stove. They are moving to eliminate natural gas from water heaters and home heat. You will have to buy an electric vehicle if you want a new car. They are shutting down nuclear plants and fossil fuel plants for electric generation. “Renewables” that are not really renewable account for less than 10% of electricity today will have to make up the slack right when electricity demand will skyrocket. 

Officials said they have no plan B if solar and windmills cannot provide electricity. 

As I have said before, future us is going to look back on these decisions and wonder what the hell was wrong with us? 

Climate change is a dangerous religion. Don’t think “Oh, well that is New York or California.”  They are coming for your state too.

Stupid people keep voting for their own destruction.

1 comment:

Cappy said...

It's true.

Also, what happened to all those hippie cars and their "No Farms No Food" stickers? Was that a promise, not a slogan?

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