May 20, 2023

Thoughts from the shallow end of the pool

I have over 65,000 words written on my novel. I have sent portions to two professional writers for advice and input. 

I have grave concerns about the structure and style of the work.  I know what I am trying to accomplish, I am not convinced I have the talent to do it. The chapters alternate between the current and the past. In addition, the chapters are more anecdotal instead of a linear progression. It describes an event rather than this happened today, this tomorrow, and that the next day. Besides, if you have read here for any length of time you know I write like a sixth grader. Long elaborate complex thoughts and sentences are not my thing. Actually, according to Microsoft Word analytics, I write like a third grader, but I am giving myself a modicum of credit.

I have tried reformatting the tale into a straight linear historical flow, but it seems flat to me without the contrasting elements of past and present appearing side by side. 

I am thinking seriously about posting the work in serial form on a separate blog. I will have to break the chapters further, posts longer than a couple of hundred words are not suitable for the blog format — TLDR. You and I both know that. 

The real question is if I can finish putting up bits and pieces of the story in serial form before I can actually finish writing the book altogether. The first 50K words were easy. The rest has been a slog. 

If I ever allow this thing to see the light of day and try to publish it, my potential audience will be a problem. I would count on all twenty of you to buy the book and why should you if I let you read it for free in increments? It is the old milk and cow thing. 


Practical Parsimony said...

Not everyone is incapable of reading long passages. Some of your readers read long books. I recently read a book that flipped from past to present from chapter to chapter. It was interesting the way that worked.

glasslass said...

Blog called 'The Forty-Five' that routinely post a story that been going on for years that a lot more than a hundred pages. Throw it at us and I bet we'll read it. Personally I would like more chapters about the sniper. I think that could be fleshed out and make great reading. Looking forward to whatever you've come up with. Another blog routinely put's up part of chapters for correction and opinions. However you want to do it will be fine with us.

Joe said...

You misunderstood PP I was not commenting on my readers but rather my style and ability

Joe said...

Glass lasts, there is more in that sniper story, but it is handwritten, and frankly not very good. The part you read was written sometime in 1992 or 1993 on lunch break while working third shift. It just came to me.

Practical Parsimony said...

From what I have read of yours, I imagine it is very interesting and well-written.

Cappy said...

"In Deepest Indiana With Camera and Gun"

glasslass said...

The kernel of an idea was there in that sniper story

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

Your biggest mistake is feeding things to Microsoft Analytics. I have that junk turned off.

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