July 12, 2023

i need to cut the grass anyway

I will open by claiming I won’t divulge the contents. There. 

I had the weirdest dreams last night. I usually cannot remember whatever I dream, but these dreams are still fairly clear in my mind this morning. As I said, I’m not going to describe the contents, there is nothing more boring than someone else’s dreams. It was nothing nefarious, nothing pornographic, nothing interesting. Trust me. I only comment because I rarely dream and even more rarely remember the dream at all. 

We are considering a short weekend road trip, the wife doesn’t have the girls Friday and we thought we might do something. It appears most of the drivable part of the country is going to have rain. At least anywhere we might want to go.We thought about getting Cubs tickets, but I’m not going to pay the ridiculous Wrigley gate cost only to watch the infield tarp collect rain water. Add in the cost of a hotel and it seems like a busted weekend. 

We considered the Florida panhandle or Lake Michigan beaches but face the same rain issue. As an added disincentive, we won’t have a ton of extra cash to spend once we get wherever we will not end up going. So I will work Friday and we will spend a boring weekend at home. Where it will rain. I will save precious hotel points and we wont spend money we shouldn’t. A lose/win proposition.


glasslass said...

There's always Branson, Meracac Caves,the Ark and Dollywood. All within probably 400 miles.

Practical Parsimony said...

This sounds like a prudent decision.

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