July 20, 2023

Live and Learn

I usually get my coffee pods from Walmart. The store brands are cheap and frankly, I like them. Sure, I like Maxwell House, but not twice as much which is pretty close to the price difference. 

A few weeks ago we were at the store and one of the big name brands, Folgers, was on sale. It was cheaper than the Walmart brand, or close anyway. I bought a box. Now I remember I don’t like Folgers. It is a matter of taste. Now I have about a month of crappy (to me) coffee to drink. 


Scott said...

Sometimes it's best to go with what you know. Works with driving too.

Greybeard said...

WalMart's "Great Value Donut Shop" is Arabica. We love it.
The fact that it's about the cheapest thing on the shelf just makes it double good.

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