July 18, 2023

When Gummy Grizzly Bears Attack

Wind and rain and a hail all swept down on the homestead yesterday evening around dinner time. It was a fast moving front and was gone in an hour or two, leaving behind cooler air and high humidity. I suspect you had weather at your house too. None of this is interesting. 

I do find it interesting that my readership has returned to normal levels with the turning of the calendar page to July. For the month of June my daily hits were anywhere from five to ten times normal. Instead of 15 hits on a good day, I was getting 150, give or take a zero or two as it suits the narrative. This trend continued throughout the month. There was no increase in comments, each individual post got the same average visits, but the blog hits each day were astronomical, at least for for me. It was probably average for you. I assume the bots were looking for something, the blogger algorithms were wracked, or some combinations of both. I don’t care, I am happy when anyone stops by, real or robot. The old ego likes getting fed. 

How about I exercise a bit of prose that popped into my head Friday while driving down the highway. It is always good to trot words and phrases around the arena before taking them off the leash. 

Iceberg clouds drifted haphazardly across an Arctic blue sky.

Yeah, I don’t know what it means either, but I like how it sounds. 


Cappy said...

Readership and normal in the same sentence?

Anonymous said...

I’ve been told I’m not normal.

Practical Parsimony said...

Same here, about 1/3 of normal visits, and now about normal. I like your words.

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