July 2, 2023

Observations on the human condition

Anecdote is not data, I understand. 

The oldest granddaughter (8) participates in a summer swim league. The suburban neighborhood pools compete against each other. Yes, it is a thing. The teams around here are from 4-14 years old. Boys compete against boys, girls against girls in each age class (7/8, 9/10, etc.). The season consists of dual meets, pool team vs. pool team. 

Thursday was the big final meet, all of the teams competed in a big invitational-type tournament. There were hundreds of kids competing in the high school pool. Here is the thing, in every single age class, in every different stroke, the boys’ average times, and especially winning times, was faster than the girls’. I will leave it to you to draw your own conclusions about trans athletes and sports. *

One final observation. The teams are coached by high school kids for the most part. At the end of the tournament there was a coaches’ race. In this one, the race was not segmented by gender nor age. The male coaches won every single race. a couple of the female coaches from granddaughter’s team are varsity swimmers on the Carmel High School girl’s swim team. They lost to the boys as well. 

So what, you say? The Carmel girls swim team is No ordinary program. You read that right, if you clicked the link, thirty-seven straight years. Reagan was President the last time someone else won. Ponder that. They still lost to the teenaged boys. 

Tell me again that gender is a construct. 

*yes, some of the girls beat some of the boys’ times that is not what I wrote.


Cappy said...

Carmel is creepy. Kids that smart aren't supposed to sportsball well.

Anonymous said...

As a female who grew up in the middle of 4 brothers, it's an undeniable fact to me that males are naturally physically stronger than females. No doubt.


Our ONLY chance for a physical advantage is in their God-given weakness... in the groin area...

I'm just sayin'!

[Sorry, Guys, if I invoked a bit of trauma there.]

[Have Knee-WILL Use] Freddie

Anonymous said...

What were the trans kids’ times vis-a-vis their competitors in the races they swam?

Practical Parsimony said...

There is no denying the biology. Boys are stronger than girls. However, the idea that girls should not play sports or compete is a construct. Yes, both these ideas were once espoused. Girls in pink and boys in blue is the construct. Girls aren't good at math is a construct. And, you know I am on the liberal side. However, I do not believe it is fair for biological boys to compete with girls.

Jackie said...

Hi, me again!! This is a difficult area for me because I have a transgender child: female to male. However, I don't see how anyone can deny that boys have more upper body strength than girls. So I would have to come down on the side of separating the sexes for athletic competitions. Otherwise it's not fair to the girls. Jackie in CA

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