August 28, 2023

If we are at an environmental crossroads, why is no car in the Presidential motorcade an EV?

Monday. In my brain I hear that with a big TV announcer voice and a touch of echo. I have no idea what “Monday ” should get a momentous announcement. It is another workday after a good weekend. 

On Saturday we hung out with some friends. Yesterday I cut the grass, then did pretty much nothing. It was a pretty relaxing couple of days, as it should be. For the voyeur among you, there was no nookie involved so the weekend was not a total victory. So it goes.

Now it is time hook back up to the millstone and grind away. At least the weather will be less hot and humid. And there will be no music videos at the end of the post. We all win!


Ed Bonderenka said...

Rules for thee, not for me.
I wonder if The Beast could be powered as an EV given it's loadout?

Cappy said...

If they were true to the cause they'd ditch cars for bikes.

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