September 16, 2023

Runs the all-time loser

I have to be honest, I’d like a pension, a thirty percent raise, automatic cost of living raises, and to get paid for forty hours while working thirty. I bet you would too. You would also say I’m unrealistic, unless you are a UAW worker who is already making $75K working the assembly line. The union thinks these demands are perfectly fine. 

So we will see what happens as the UAW strikes the Big Three and if cars and trucks are not available, then consumers will buy from foreign automakers who have stock. In the meantime, for every striking autoworker, six other jobs are effected.  Most of those workers are making nowhere near $75K. 

If the Union is do concerned about the long-term effects of EVs on the number of workers (an electric vehicle has far fewer components and needs fewer workers to assemble), then maybe the UAW should re-think their lockstep Democrat Party allegiances. It is the Democrats mostly pushing this WeAreAllGonnaDieClimateChange crap.

Have a great Saturday. Here is some music for your enjoyment.


Thinking said...

You are not supposed to say so in polite company, but Joe Biden is no longer fit to be President of the United States. It would be a lot better for America, and for the rest of the free world, were he to step down early for reasons of ill-health, or at the very least not stand again for the presidency.

glasslass said...

The problem is that if what's his name steps down early kammie baby gets a taste of being the really big cheese she won't go away without a big ruckus. And then Oops, she slipped on a banana peel. They are probably looking for ways to take them both out together at the same time but then you get McCarthy. They've gotten themselves between that big old rock and hard place.

Joe said...

Indeed, Thinking.

GL, I have said it many times, in a country of 3.5 million, is this really the best we can do for leaders?

Cappy said...

That's 330 million, but I'm just being a dick here.

Big Three? It's hip to buy Nip!

Anonymous said...

You are t counting the illegals


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