October 6, 2023

Attack of the Eighties

There was not much of a post this morning, despite rolling out of bed before 5 AM. 

What? “Why?” You ask. I wish I knew. So I moseyed downstairs, took my morning meds, and made some coffee. I then retired to the office. I read blogs, read the news, and started work. I am trying to get everything done today. 

You see, I’m on vacation next week. I have no idea what we are going to do. As of lunchtime the wife was still trying to decide. Me, I don’t care. I’m always up for a road trip. Maybe you will get posts next week. Maybe you won’t. 

I know this, it is a good thing you don’t pay for content around here. 

If you bought my book and thought “I can’t believe I paid for that,” then I say you haven’t been paying attention to this blog for the past eighteen years. You had a fair, if subtle, warning on my abilities. 

Anyway, I think I have my month end stuff done and I’m nearly caught up on emails. 

Here is some Friday music. Enjoy. 

1 comment:

Cappy said...

When the 80's attack, fight back with dependable, reliable ZZTop!

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