October 15, 2023

Back in ‘68

 How about some Sunday music?

The family room and kitchen are all painted. I need to put up the switch and plug covers. We have new blinds I have to mount, replacing the crappy shades that were in the family room. Later today I will clean the carpet. The old couch and chair were hauled away Saturday and the new sectional couch will be delivered on Tuesday. The change is going to be nice. The kitchen was a dark red before, now it and the family room are a light tan or beige. The room is much brighter and since both rooms are now the same color — they are open to each other — the space looks larger. 

Then will be the task of hanging pictures and “fighting” with the wife on which is more accurate, her eyeball or my level. In the end she wins, because her satisfaction is more important than the law of gravity. 


Anonymous said...

"'fighting'... because her satisfaction is more important..." Good man.

May neither of you never have to miss that "fighting". You have no idea how much that can be missed after 30 years.


Anonymous said...

Woops. Neither of you ever*

Joe said...

Hugs, Freddie

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