October 23, 2023


In writing my semi-crappy novel I wish I’d changed a few things before publishing. There are a couple of typos. I need more contractions. Cappy says so. I do too. 

I should have thanked my mom. She shared her love of reading with me. She encouraged me to read. She didn’t complain much when I spent nearly every waking moment until I left for college with my nose stuck in a book. 

Did she know I read whatever she was reading after she went to bed at night, even if it was not appropriate for a ten or twelve year old? Likely. She occasionally give me a couple of dollars she could ill-afford to buy a paperback from the rack at Hook’s drugs. She bought me books for Christmas or my birthday. She bought cheap bookshelves to store all of my books in my increasingly crowded bedroom. In short, I owe my mother a debt of gratitude. 

Mom died five years ago today. I read the post I wrote after she died. It didn’t do her justice. It made her seem a cold hard woman. My mother was a perfectionist. She expected it of others. Mostly, she expected it of herself, including being a mom. She came pretty close. I mean that in the best way possible. 

If I ever write another novel, a doubtful proposition, I will thank my mother. 

I miss you mom.


Cappy said...

You are blessed to have such a good mom.

Anonymous said...

My condolences sir. Your Mom sounds like an awesome person.

My Mom died in 2018 as well but in late June. Her illness was a long term degenerative thing and her passing was a mercy and a sadness at the same time. Even to the end, she was teaching me. We had the opportunity to say everything we wanted to say to each other.

Jackie said...

This is Jackie in CA. You reminded me that I want to buy your book! And I
agree--you were so lucky and blessed to have such a great mom.
I was blessed too; I had a wonderful mom. She died in 2000, and I still miss her and think of her every day. She taught me so many things that I am just really discovering as I get older.

Scott said...

My Mom died 31 years ago from lung cancer, which killed so many of our greatest generation. It was the worst day of my life, I miss her so much.

Joe said...

Mom died from complications from an aortas aneurism caused by her excessive smoking. Even after the first stents in her abdomen, she kept on smoking, on and off oxygen, she enjoyed smoking too much. After she passed, Dad found packs of cigarettes stashed all over.

While I might enjoy an occasional cigar, I have never smoked cigarettes.

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