December 30, 2023

I hate candied yams

The coffee is hot. Classic rock is playing softly on the echo spy device. I am rocking gently in my recliner as I type with one finger on the iPad keyboard. Through the window the neighbor’s porch and Christmas lights shine through the early morning darkness. Life is good. 

Another year is winding down. It doesn’t really matter what the calendar says, the days roll on. I am grateful for the blessings in my life. The ability to spell would be nice. So would a winning lottery ticket. I would settle for my kids to have happy prosperous lives. 

Monday is the last work holiday until Good Friday. I will likely take down the Christmas decorations on Monday. The house always looks so gloomy after the bright lights and decorations are boxed up. Maybe that’s why the house down the street leaves their Christmas lights on until April. 

We are going to visit some friends this evening; a sorta early New Year’s celebration without the party. I might have one beer. Mostly we will play cards and yuck it up, telling the same old stories from four decades ago. 

In case I forget to mention it, thank you from the bottom of my heart for stopping by and reading. I know the old blog has slipped a bit lot in the old entertainment factor. Maybe next year will be better. 

Let’s wind it up with some classic Blues Brothers. While often viewed as a comedy act, you cannot ignore that the backing band was compromised of some of the best musicians around. That is Steve Cropper and Duck Dunn on lead guitar and Bass respectively. They were part of Booker T and the MGs (Green Onions) and the backing band for a slew of recordings in the sixties and seventies. 


slugmama said...

First off sweet potatoes are a totally different veg than yams, though many people use the two names interchangeably. Candied sweet potatoes are grossly sweet with all that brown sugar and mshmallows on top.
Your spelling is fine plus you can write in cursive and can tell time on a clock with hands unlike so many of the younger generation.
I think you should ring in the new year with a fine cigar....
Time to kick 2023 to the curb

Matthew W said...

Steve Cropper wrote "Soul Man" too !!!
Yep, the Good Ol' Boys Blues Brother Band had a sound that could turn goat piss into gasoline !!

Jean said...

compromised? composed?
Sorry. It made my brain cramp.

Anonymous said...

Just keep doing what you do. A lot of us stop by to see Normal America.

Cappy said...

I hereby declare The State of Indiana to be the NormalAmerica theme park.

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