December 7, 2023



A day that shall live in infamy 
On December 7, 1941 the United States was attacked by an unprovoked antagonist against military and civilian targets in the territory of Hawaii. The death and destruction was even greater than that at the WTC and Pentagon attacks of 9/11.

Killed and Missing

Navy 2,008
Marine Corps 109
Army 218
Civilian 68
total 2,403

Navy 710
Marine 69
Army 364
Civilian 68
Total 1,178

Grand total of casualties = 3,581

This attack brought the United States into WW II, where the greatest generation saved the world for Democracy. Our thanks: hatred by the French and Germans, desecration of American graves in Normandy and displays in our own country that blame the US for Japan's attack. I have not forgotten the lives and sacrifices made by my forbears. Thank you. 

I will not forget Pearl Harbor.


Linda said...

Thank you for this post.
Practical Parsimony

Cappy said...

You're right. The slinking back and begging Japan for forgiveness is sickening. I not it only took off after our dads passed away. Too bad the assholes didn't trot that out in a bar when the old man was able.

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