January 12, 2024

Oh, Can’t you see?

The eldest granddaughter got glasses yesterday. She is really excited. They look good on her. She already looks much older than her nine years, and the glasses emphasize the notion. I feel bad for her. As soon as the “new” wears off she will realize all of the things everyone hates about glasses — they hurt your nose, your ears, they get so very dirty, they fog up, they slide when you sweat, they fall off when you are doing stuff, etc. I suspect in a few years she will beg for contacts. 

I first got glasses when I was eighteen. I mostly used them for reading. I hated them. By the time I was in my mid- twentiesI had to wear them all of the time. I hated them even more. In my forties I had to get bifocals. I hated them more. In my fifties my Fuchs Dystrophy got worse and I had to get cornea transplants in both eyes. The good news, I thought, new eyes means no more f-ing glasses. Nope, wrong. My severe astigmatism means I had to keep my glasses. Did I mention I hate my glasses? Within a few years I was back to bifocals. So it goes. First The astigmatism prevented the possibility of contacts, then the Fuchs, now the transplants. Currently, the I am waiting on my retina to recover fully from my surgery so I can get new, stronger glasses. Whoop! 

Did I mention I hate wearing glasses?

Anyway, my granddaughter got glasses and she looks cute and grown up and the rest of the diatribe was not necessary, but there you go. That’s what you get around here. 

It does give me an opportunity to play one of my favorite songs since it marginally mentions seeing:


glasslass said...

Yep, all of the above as far as glasses.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

All of the above but I also can't imagine having something stuck on the surface of my eye, so I've been wearing glasses since I was 8.

And now I have three separate pairs. Everyday with progressive bifocals, single-vision sunglasses for driving, and (new!) computer glasses that make it easier to see the screen as I stare at it all day.

Do you know what fun it is to leave the house and be halfway out to the main road when I realize I'm still wearing the computer glasses and CAN'T SEE SH*T? :)

Linda said...

I got my first glasses when I was 42, and I hate them, too. I have astigmatism, too. The glasses without pads are the worst for sliding. So, I wear thin gold frames. The worst part is losing them as I cannot see them! I am facing surgery for a macula that is puckering and threatening to pull retina from back of my eye. I read your eye adventures with special interest.
Practical Parsimony

Linda said...

Plus, I have allergies, so anything in my eye would be a real problem.

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