May 19, 2024

Do the Hokey Pokey

It’s looks to be a gorgeous Sunday here in zgod’s favorite State. It will be sunny and warm. We shall see what projects the wife decides are essential. 

The granddaughters spent the night last night . We went bowling and ate pizza and had a grand old time. The pizza was bowling alley pizza. The girls liked it. I thought it was meh at best. 

I’ve been having issues with my feet. Spending a week standing on barely carpeted concretes and beaucoup walking a couple of weeks ago has contributed mightily to my pain levels. Pushing off on no-support bowling shoes did not help. Last night  I am limping around the house this morning. 

Since my surgically repaired right foot never completely healed, I have put more stress on my left foot and now it is bothering me. Both feet have the same problem- excessively high arches, so it is quite possible I have bone spurs and stress fractures in the left foot too. I just know it hurts this morning. 

I hobble around like an old man these days. Oh wait, I am an old man. 


Linda said...

I have very high arches. The doctor thought I had broken a bone in my foot. Nope, just age-related arthritis. That made me seem old! And, leads to a limp if I walk too much. "That's what it's all about." Sorry!

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

You'll never be older than me.

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