May 24, 2024

I lost you to the summer wind

It is finally Friday. Better yet, it is the Friday of a long weekend! The summer season is upon us, I don’t care what the calendar says.Woot! I may knock off early , the piles of paper on my desk notwithstanding. Okay, there are no piles of paper. It is all electronic these days. The only paper on my desk is a stenographer’s tablet I use as a scratch pad. I keep notes, numbers, and all manner of stuff scribbled in the pages. The handwriting is front and back of pages in a never ending mishmash of gibberish to anyone but me. 

Usually the notes are simple stuff. I might write down a part number, the cost, and the markup to get the price so I can type up a quote. I might write down topics to cover in my weekly meeting with the boss. Nothing of interest to an outsider, but a steady reminder of things going back to day one on this job. I’m on my second or third notebook.

How did we get off on that tangent anyway? If the weather stays nice this afternoon and no more time-sucking emergencies arise at work, I may try to get a little yard work done this afternoon. 

The rest of the weekend? As far as I know we have no plans. But I won’t be sitting at my desk, that’s for sure. 

What? Of course I can play someFriday music. That is why you are here isn’t it? 

1 comment:

slugmama said...

I am getting burnt out on ol' Frankie. We cruise and do karaoke on the ships and inevitably there is some old guy who thinks he can sing and wants to belt out "My Way" or "New York, New York". It's always a bad imitation of old Blue Eyes.
But I like this tune. Have a great weekend!

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