June 7, 2024

Bob Dylan told us times were a changing

We went to a funeral yesterday. It was for a good friend’s mother. She was in her eighties. Still , it is difficult to lose a loved one.

I wore a suit and tie. I was the only one there dressed in a suit, except the employees of the funeral home. The wife wore a dress. Some people had on ties, a few wore coats. Most were dressed in decent clothing. I do not expect anyone to go buy new clothes just to go to a funeral. 

I do think the guy who showed up in filthy shorts and a dirty T-shirt wearing a baseball cap to be not only inappropriately dressed, but disrespectful. I guess I’m just an old “Get off my lawn” guy, but it is too much to ask that you not look like you just finished mowing the lawn before you head to the funeral home?


B said...

Yeah, last two times I went to a funeral I was the best dressed guy there. First tie a suit and tie, second time slacks and a blazer nd tie.

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

I'm going to be charitable and assume he had no time to go home and change before he came to the funeral home. This is kind of like the old farmer showing up at his lodge meeting in his overalls because he'd been out plowing all day and barely had time to make it to the meeting. It happens.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Fuzzy - the fact that he showed up is what matters.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for your comments and gratefully accept that I am probably wrong in my criticism.

Yes, I just admitted I might be wrong.


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