June 4, 2024

Boo Hoo

 I mentioned a short while back I was having pain in my “good “ foot. Last night  I was making onion rings and I stepped up on a chair to fetch my mandolin from high in the cabinet. Suddenly, I felt a pop and had an excruciating pain in my foot and ankle. I limped around the kitchen preparing supper. After dinner the pain did not subside. I swallowed couple of Advil before bed.

By bedtime my foot was slightly swollen, and still hurt. I found an old ankle brace and strapped it on. Around three in the morning the pain woke me up. I fought it awhile, then moved into the office recliner so I could elevate the limb.

You may remember a few years ago stress fractures from my high arches turned into a significant break in my right foot that required surgery to repair. Yeah, my left foot feels like that this morning. Maybe I pulled something. Maybe it is plantar fasciitis. Maybe it is my hypochondria. Maybe I’ll call the doctor. 

I don’t have time for this right now. The yard needs mowed. The girls have swim meets and dance recitals. We have a 40th anniversary trip coming up. I need to be fully mobile. 

I know, I  need some bread and cheese to go with my whine. There are people with real medical issues out there. Here I am crying about a sore foot. 


Linda said...

Your medical issue is a real issue!

slugmama said...

There's an old saying that we die from the feet up. Please have this foot looked at.

glasslass said...

Go to the Dr now. You could do some serious damage if you don't.

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