June 5, 2024

Goose, gander, politics

You know Hillary and her campaign were fined for actually using campaign money to cover up the Steele dossier. They hid the expense as “legal fees”. Her campaign headquarters were in New York. 

Since this is almost precisely what the New York DA went after Trump for, will we see indictments against Clinton in the coming days? Or was the Trump prosecution purely political?

Next up, should we discuss when Obama paid off his racist preacher Jeremiah Wright to get him to keep quiet until after the election because every time Wright opened his mouth Obama’s poll numbers dipped? I think that is the definition of hush money.

Yeah, yeah, Orange Man bad. 

1 comment:

glasslass said...

You are not suppose to remember all that and should have just forgotten you ever know it. After all Hillary is so beloved by so many and they just assume that we are just too stupid see her glory. Your name probably just went on their list.

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