June 19, 2024

In the Old Northwest

Today marks the federal holiday of Juneteenth. No mail today. Yawn. I have to work. No holiday for me! I have no issue celebrating the end of slavery in this country. That holiday should be December 18. But, whatever. 

Of course accompanied with Juneteenth are the never-ending calls for citizens who never owned slaves to give money to people who never were slaves.  The mayor of Chicago is the latest to take up the call for reparations. 

One of the few legislative victories of the dysfunctional  Congress of the Confederation of the US was the Northwest ordinance of 1787. It formed the Northwest Territory comprising the area that would come to encompass Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,Wisconsin, and parts of Minnesota. In case you are Geographically challenged, Chicago would lie right in the heart of that area. 

Here is the thing, slavery was illegal in the Northwest Territory. Chicago was incorporated in 1837, some fifty years after slavery was outlawed in the area. What reparations are owed by Chicago to what ancestors of slaves that never existed in Chicago?

Now if you want to talk about the onerous Treaty of Greenville…


Cappy said...

Support the Treaty of Greenville. The true border of the USA is the Cuyahoga River. Real Americans live on Cleveland's east side. Dirty foreigners are on the west side.

Fuzzy - amiright?

Matthew W said...

The company I work for is ultra woke so we have the day off.

slugmama said...

Calling it the "Confederacy Congress" is confusing. Most people think Confederacy refers to the government formed in the South when states broke away from the Federal Government in 1860, almost a century later...and the Confederacy did indeed have a Congress. Maybe refer to it as the "Congress of the Confederation of the US", which preceded the legislative houses/structure we have now. Very different. 8-))

glasslass said...

Juneteenth originated in Galveston, Texas, when enslaved people were told of their emancipation on June 19, 1865. It was a Texas holiday and when I lived there and it was celebrated somewhat. So, why am I suppose to celebrate Texas's holidays. Texas made it a holiday in 1980 and it became a federal holiday in 2021.

Anonymous said...

I struggled with the right way to describe the congress established when our governess under the “original Confederation “ this is a good suggestion


Anonymous said...

I just read an editorial from a black lady who opines Juneteenth is a celebration of black freedom and whites should not get the day off and certainly not with pay. If you are paid you should give it to a black person.


Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...


I'm sure I don't know, but I do have extended family on the east side of Cleveland, so...??? :)

Fuzzy Curmudgeon said...

BTW: Stupid federal holiday put in by stupid Democrats pandering to the Black community. IMHO should have left well enough alone, but Old Stinky Joe's handlers just couldn't do that.

slugmama said...

Fuzzy, don't you know? Joe Biden grew up in the Black Church! At least that's what he tells people all the flippin' time. He can kiss my ass.

Cappy said...

Fuzzy - The Treaty of Greenville set the boundary of the USA at the Cuyahoga River, so the mishpucha here is OK. Can't say the same for the West Side foreigners.

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