June 21, 2024

Tell me, how long you're gonna stay here, Joe?

It is six in the aye em, certainly a reasonable time to be up and about. I guess. Unfortunately I have been ensconced here in the office recliner perusing the interwebz since about 4:45. That is not reasonable. But so it goes. 

I could pretend I’m pseudo depressed. After all, the days are getting shorter. There will be fewer hours of sunshine today than yesterday. Sniff. Sob. Hey, it’s true. Would I lead you astray? It is only 187 days until Christmas. Ponder that. 

It is supposed to be hot today. Not only in actuality, but more so because it is SUMMER. The media acts like it is a new thing to be hot in the summer. Panic! In 200 days  or so they will be surprised to discover it is cold! Who knew? 

Anyway it is Friday and I am ready for the weekend. I have nothing planned, but I won’t be staring at a spreadsheet. 

Have a great Friday. Oh, as a parting gift you can have this stuck in your head like I have for two days:

You are welcome.

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