July 6, 2024

Back home again, in Indiana

Not a pirate in sight

   So we took a little trip to celebrate our fortieth anniversary. Since my thoughts are always of you, reader, I made sure to can up some appropriate posts so you could get your daily fix of lousy entries from me. I’m thoughtful that way. 

The cruise was a five day affair out of Tampa visiting Roatan in Honduras and Cozumel in Mexico. The weather was spectacular, but hot. We had a terrific time. 

For the first time on a cruise we did not have an interior cabin. We did not get a balcony, but we did have a couple of portholes to let in light. Here’s the thing, we only use the cabin for sleeping anyway (yes only sleeping, dang it). An interior room has never bothered me. 

The  entertainment was good, the comedians meh, the food what I expected. 

In Mahogany Bay we did some zip lining then spent the day on the beach.  In Cozumel we snorkeled and then went to a beach. We had a great time on both excursions. 

The drive to and fro Tampa went fine, we were delayed a bit for accidents on the highway both going and coming, but we’re only caught in the tail of the traffic jams. 

What is up with bad drivers refusing to use cruise control? I’m not talking old beaters, but newer cars you know have speed control installed. If I could not hold speed better than that, I would not get behind the wheel. 

I have driven in the range of a million miles. That is not an exaggeration. I spent thirty plus years as a traveling salesman. I can hold my speed pretty well . But the computer in my car can do it better.  If you are that guy — speed up, slow down — just quit. You ain’t a good driver. 

If I pass you and then you pass me and then I pass you again all in five miles, one of us is a bad driver. I have my cruise control on so it isn’t me. Do not be that guy. And stay the hell out of the left lane. If more than three cars pass you on the right, you are a tool. 

Lecture done. Today I have a week’s worth of chores to do. Cut the lawn, pick up sticks, blah, blah. Too bad I have to work the rest of the year to have a great week of holiday. 

So it goes. Some people don’t get that, I count myself blessed. 


slugmama said...

I.E. drivers-don't EVER come to Louisiana. Worse EVER!!!

Glad y'all had a good time. My only time in Cozumel I didn't leave my bed, let alone the cabin and was sick as a dog. We ziplined in Jamaica however and that was a blast.

Anonymous said...

We zip lined in Jamaica too when we cruised there a previous trip. We love zip lining even if we are old!

Ed Bonderenka said...

Happy Anniversary.

Jean said...

Sounds like a beautiful celebration of 40 happy years. Congrats!

Linda said...

i am glad you had a great trip. My friend went to Roatan several times and loved it.

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